Another 11/11/11 festival: Cyberperformances worldwide

UpStage Festival – Interacting with online audiences

The 12 cyberformances (live online performances) featured in the 11:11:11 UpStage Festival offer a variety of opportunities for online audience interaction. In all UpStage shows, audiences interact with the artists and other audience members through the text chat; this is often a very lively space, generating a fascinating commentary that can be at times profound
or hilarious. Cyberformance redefines the relationship between performer and spectator in a number of ways, and the shows presented at the UpStage festival explore many possibilities.
Many shows are specifically devised with audience interaction in mind; for example, at past UpStage festivals audiences have been invited to follow clickable clues to solve a murder, create animated mandalas by drawing on the stage, trigger sounds, answer questions and contribute stories; this year’s
festival is no different.
It is the 5th UpStage festival and the performances are all about 20 minutes long, with a show starting every half hour; so it’s very easy for audiences to participate, and there is no log-in required for audiences, just click on the link to the stage.
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